Basic difference between Google Ads vs Google Adsense?

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Basic difference between Google Ads vs Google Adsense?

Ads Vs Adsense

Tech giant Google provides many services to its users. In digital advertising it gives two major services, the first one is Google Ads and the other one is Google Adsense. Many of us are confused about these two products. Here we are going to clearly understand these two products.

Do you have another doubt “Then what is Google Adwords?”. Google renamed google adwords as “Google Ads” So both are the same products.

Who use : Google Ads and Google Adsense?

The key difference is that Google Ads is for Advertisers and Google Adsense is for Publishers.
Google Ads allows advertisers to promote their products/services on Google Search Network, Google Display network. Lots of targeting features available here to show the advertisements to the right people.
Google Adsense allows publishers to monetize their blog/websites, youtube channel, Apps. Google will show the advertisements and when visitors click an advertisement google will pay to the publishers.

What Google Says : Google Ads and Google Adsense

The Google Ads program is for advertisers. If you want to advertise your products or services on website or apps, with an eye on growing your business or sales, Google Ads is for you. Your ads appear on Google search results and our network of publisher websites. Learn more about Google Ads and begin advertising by visiting
Google AdSense is for publishers. If you own or manage websites, blogs, or forums, and want to monetize them, the Google AdSense program could be for you. Ads appear on your digital property, and you can earn revenue based on the number of people who view or engage with these ads. Other platforms for publishers include Google Ad Manager and AdMob.

Pay Model : Advertisers and Publishers

Advertisers pay for Google Ads for showing their advertisements and Google Adsense pays for publishers to show the advertisements on their blogs/websites, apps.

Targeting Feature : Google Ads vs Google Adsense

Google Ads :
To reach the right customers google ads gives lots of targeting features. Here advertisers can use the following targetings,
>> Audience Targeting : Here advertisers can target users with specific interests and those who are all already interacted with their ads. Etc
>> Content Targeting : Google Ads analyzes web content and considers factors such as text, language, link structure, and page structure. It then determines the central themes of each webpage and targets ads based on your topic selections.
>> Location Targeting : Advertisers can target users with specific locations.
>> Demo Targeting : Advertisers can target users by gender, age etc
Google Adsense :
Google Adsense permits publishers to choose where the advertisements display on their contents. Also it permits publishers to stop certain categories of ads showing on their websites.
Where to start : Google Ads vs Google Adsense
Here you can try the Google Adsense
Here you can try the Google Ads

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